Early Reading and Phonics
At Flanshaw School we have invested in Read Write Inc, which is a complete structured phonics programme that is designed to ensure all children read accurately and fluently. It weaves word reading, comprehension, writing and spelling together seamlessly. Phonics teaching is consistent and progressive through school from Early Years Foundation Stage into Key Stage One and some small groups in KS2. The scheme includes both a reading, writing and phonics focus for our younger children. The sessions take place daily in EYFS and Year One as the continuity and pace of the programme is essential to increase the speed of children's reading development. To ensure a seamless approach our books link to children’s phonics ability and are used as part of the daily sessions and our bookbag books that go home. Parents are introduced to Read Write Inc in EYFS as children start school to ensure understanding of phonics and expectations at home to enable all children read accurately and fluently.
A strategic system of monitoring, evaluation and coaching staff takes place by our Reading Leaders which is carried out effectively through half-termly development days. These development days consist of lesson observations, coaching, training, reviews, data analysis and 1:1 support to ensure the consistency and impact of Phonics teaching through school. To ensure the importance of reading through school our ‘Head of English’ from our Junior Leadership team overseas our reading ambassadors. These pupils complete 1:1 reading with our younger children and organise a range of events to promote across school.
We believe reading is a vitally important transferable skill where children use their knowledge of words, sentences and texts in order to understand and enjoy literature and gain new knowledge across the curriculum. Our strong reading culture in school creates a genuine love of reading from our children. We acknowledge that all children learn in different ways and as a result we differentiate our phonics teaching according to children’s abilities to give them the confidence that they can read, challenge their ability and allow them to make rapid progress.