Interactive Bar

Flanshaw Junior, Infant & Nursery School

Flanshaw Junior, Infant & Nursery School

Get in Touch

Year 2

Welcome to Year 2!


Donaldson class- Mrs Wilcock

Dahl class- Miss Auty


Keep checking our year page for regular updates to important information, class newsletters, home learning including weekly spelling lists, examples of children's work and photographs.


Our 'Author of the term' is David Walliams



In English this half term we will be focusing on 'Beegu' and creating a fact file.

In Maths this half term we will be focusing on: Fractions, time and Statistics

In Science this half term we will be focusing on: Living things and their Habitats

In Art this half term we will be focusing on the work of Matisse

In RE this half term we will be continuing to focus on the big question : What can we learn from sacred books?

In History this half term we will be focusing on: Florence Nightingale

In Geography this half term we will be focusing on: Island Life

