At Flanshaw School we have designed our PSHE Curriculum with the intent that all children have the opportunity to develop personally, socially, emotionally, physically, spiritually and intellectually. We believe that children learn best and achieve their highest potential when they are supported in all areas of development.
We nurture and inspire children to develop the ‘characteristics of Effective Learning’ in an environment where all their efforts are valued and celebrated. At our school we are committed to ensuring that the emotional and social needs of all our children are met within our school environment, we support the development of their health and wellbeing, self-esteem and confidence.
The PSHE curriculum has been carefully designed to cover all areas we believe are important to our children including relationships, health and wellbeing and living in the wider world. Each half term we have a different focus of learning which fits into one of these areas and is the same throughout school. The Half Term PSHE topic is shared and valued in weekly assemblies and links to activities happening across school such as ‘healthy week’, ‘online safety week’ and ‘anti-bullying week’. The PSHE topic is always at the forefront of every staff members mind and is covered where appropriate through incidental learning by teachers in all contexts when working with children (e.g. class discussion on an issue that has arisen within the classroom) as well as being taught through weekly sessions.
To ensure our curriculum is best tailored to meet the needs of our children, teachers are given time to plan fun and engaging activities. Teachers across school are encouraged to plan interactive and collaborative activities for PSHE lessons to ensure children are given the opportunity to ‘practice’ their response to certain situations and articulate their thoughts and feelings. This planning is informed by the age-related knowledge and skills for each year group to ensure appropriate learning is covered and progress is made each year. Class scrap books are used to document each classes’ learning journey of the different topics we cover. These are closely monitored and evaluated each half term through planning scrutiny undertaken by the Subject Leader.
At Flanshaw Junior, Infant and Nursery School we believe that in giving children opportunities to develop as confident, respectful and healthy individuals we are providing them with the core values needed to be successful in adult life.