Interactive Bar

Flanshaw Junior, Infant & Nursery School

Flanshaw Junior, Infant & Nursery School

Get in Touch

Year 2

Year 2 Term 1

We are painters

(Topic related)

  • 2create (Storyboard)
  • Tux paint
  • Word

Can use the return/enter key to insert line breaks where appropriate

Multimedia & Word processing

Can highlight and overtype text

Can use bold, italic, underline, text alignment and shift to create punctuation appropriately

Can type a story/sentences using appropriate keys in a word processor

Uses word art to create labels or signs for classroom presentation

Adds sounds, text and images within a simple ICT package

To select and use different techniques to communicate ideas through pictures


Can use the flood fill/straight line/spray and geometric shape tools to create pictures and effects purposefully

Outcome: Create an illustrated book / Topic related art work


Children can continue to use these skills in Purple Mash  



(Ask your class teacher for your child's login details)
