Interactive Bar

Flanshaw Junior, Infant & Nursery School

Flanshaw Junior, Infant & Nursery School

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TASC days


Throughout the academic year we organise TASC days (Thinking Actively in a Social Context) that can be tailored to match the changing needs of our pupils.  The pupils work in a mixed age group, allowing our older children to support the younger pupils in the EYFS and Key Stage 1.The day involves the pupils working collaboratively to identify, research and present their findings on a particular theme in their own unique way.  The TASC days create a real 'buzz' about learning and we are extremely proud of the co-operation and teamwork skills demonstrated by our pupils.

TASC Day Half Term 1 23/24: Healthy Week


This half term's TASC day was linked directly to 'Healthy Week.'  The children worked in mixed age teams to design and then make prototypes for a new Flanshaw PE and sport's kit.



Half Term 1 TASC day 2021






Half Term 3 TASC day 2022



