Physical Education
At Flanshaw our PE Curriculum ensures that all children, regardless of background, will develop the fundamental skills and competence to achieve in a wide range of physical activities. It develops physical literacy and allows pupils to learn about themselves; the importance of a healthy lifestyle; self-expression and concepts such as fair play and respect. It also contributes to the personal development of a range of important cognitive skills such as decision making, analysis and social skills such as leadership, teamwork and communication.
Physical education encourages pupils to be active and supports them in their understanding of how to participate safely and effectively. They understand the barriers to participation and work to overcome these for themselves and others through observation, evaluation and feedback. Our curriculum is inclusive and ensures accessibility for pupils of all abilities so that they are physically active for sustained periods in order to encourage them to lead healthy, active lives.
Flanshaw is an active school; we use Kagan learning, Tagtiv8 and incorporate activity breaks e.g. daily mile, throughout the day in or outside the classroom, which is in addition to the two hours timetabled PE lessons. Furthermore, a wide range of extra-curricular sports and lunchtime activities are organised to complement their weekly PE sessions. This provision focuses on increasing activity levels but can also prepare children for competitions. During Healthy Week, the school focuses on both physical and mental health by widening their opportunities to different sports and activities, meeting health and sports professionals and raising money through intra school competitions for a specific mental or physical health charity.
All teaching staff (including ESA, HLTA and lunchtime leaders) have access to CPD which can include observations, delivery and feedback. All staff follow and adapt planning using the Val Sabin PE scheme to support teaching and learning. Staff regularly assess in PE formatively and use this knowledge to plan and differentiate. The PE coordinator uses this information to plan for the Sport Premium implementation and delivery of strategic support which is sustainable.
PE and Sport provides regular opportunities for children to develop the school’s Characteristics of Effective learning: Resilient Robin, Articulate Alligator, Successful Snake, Proud Peacock, Enquiring Elephant, Problem-Solving Penguin and of course Activite Ant.
To ensure that the importance of PE and Sport is consistently promoted, we appoint a ‘Head of Sport’ from the Junior Leadership Team who oversees a group of PE and Activity ambassadors. These pupils organise and lead activities with our younger children at lunchtimes and the JLT lead monitors activity levels across KS2 to promote healthy lifestyles.
At Flanshaw children will be:
Encouraged to wear suitable PE kit following the school uniform policy.
Offered opportunities to represent school for fun, competitively within school or against other schools.
Offered a wide range of after school clubs.
Celebrated for their sporting achievements.
Offered and invited (sometimes targeted) to take part in a wide range of activities to improve mental and physical well-being.
Encouraged to understand and increase their activity levels by using wearable activity devices.
At Flanshaw, staff will:
Deliver two PE lessons every week (inside and outside).
Differentiate to allow access for all children.
Be good role models in leading active and healthy lifestyles.
Demonstrate good subject knowledge through the delivery of high quality PE lessons.
Assess formatively on a half termly basis.