Healthy Week
What a great start to this half-term. This week was Healthy Week, organised by Ms Smart and Mrs Page, were the children engaged in lots of fun activities; samples of which are below.
Not only was this week Healthy week but also World Book day on Thursday. In order to incorporate both we put a Dance routine together to re-enact the story of Jungle Book.

Reaction Board & Bikes:
Competing in teams of 4 the children had to race against each other on bikes. Their speed and distance was recorded electronically. The reaction board was a timed event - How many lights can you strike in 1 minute.
The children learnt a little about self defence but also respect for each other.

Animal Handling:
Healthy week is also about the mind as well as the body. In this lesson the children got to handle and stroke animals like cute bunnies to less common pets like bearded lizard, African snails and tarantulas.
The children also had a skip-a-thon to raise money to support the Guide dogs for the blind, who made a visiting talk with one of their dogs. We also had an informative talk about eye care from Eye heroes and over the whole week practised our Lip-sync dance routines. Which can be found on the school's twitter page.