Interactive Bar

Flanshaw Junior, Infant & Nursery School

Flanshaw Junior, Infant & Nursery School

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Proud Assemblies

Our Proud Assemblies 23-24


Every Friday afternoon, we meet as a whole school to celebrate our Proud Assembly. This is usually led by our Head Teacher, (Mr Woodburn) or our Deputy Head Teacher (Mrs Smith).


Firstly, we talk about our PSHE theme of the half term. This half term (HT2) we are learning about "Relationships."


We are learning about: 


•Healthy relationships

•The relationship with your education
•Anti-Bullying week
•Unhealthy relationships
•Different kinds of relationships
•Relationship with God

Then we meet our 'Proud children', who have been nominated by our teaching staff. Their parents have been invited to attend the assembly to join us in celebrating their success. 


Our Junior Leadership Team (JLT) often speak in assembly, to raise awareness of their role, or share success' with their teams, such as house points, certificates and prizes! 


In our assemblies, we always sing (which we love), and say our School prayer: 


This is our School,

Let peace dwell here. 

Let our School be full of happiness,

Let love be here.

Love of one another,

Love of life, 

Love of our God.

