Interactive Bar

Flanshaw Junior, Infant & Nursery School

Flanshaw Junior, Infant & Nursery School

Get in Touch

Home Learning

Home Learning Expectations

  • Listen to your child read on a regular basis (at least once a week) and sign their reading record. Please ensure that this is brought to school every day.
  • Allow time for your child to learn and practise their spellings (see Parent Information page for weekly spelling lists).
  • Support your child with their weekly maths homework, if needed.
  • All children need to keep practising their times tables up to 12x12; this can be practised orally or written, or using TTRS or Purple Mash. Times tables are a crucial part of a lot of the Maths curriculum.


If you would like to encourage your children to complete more work at home, please get them to go on Purple Mash or TTRS. We update purple mash each week with work based around what your child will be learning in class. If you would like any more support, please speak to either Ms Stead or Mr Garside after school. 
