Interactive Bar

Flanshaw Junior, Infant & Nursery School

Flanshaw Junior, Infant & Nursery School

Get in Touch

Well-being support for adults

Wakefield District Domestic Abuse Service-

WADDAS offer advice and support on their helpline for people 16+ years who are affected by domestic abuse. The helpline number is- 0800 915 1561.

The Well Women Centre-

The Well Women Centre offer lots of different support to women aged 16 years plus to help them with their health and wellbeing.

You can also ring them for support and advice on 01924 211 114.


Turning Point Talking therapies

Turning point offer direct mental health support to people 16+years.

Tel: 01924 234860


Andy’s man club – support for men for their emotional well being

Grandparents Plus-

Online support for people looking after children in a kinship placement.

For more information have a look at their website .

Grief Encounter-

An online resource for young people affected by bereavement. There is an online chat service, support and ideas of ways to remember someone important. All on their website-

They also have a support line for young people affected by bereavement- the number is 0808 802 0111 and it runs Monday to Friday 9am-9pm.

Local support for bereaved children, young people and their families in Wakefield.
