Interactive Bar

Flanshaw Junior, Infant & Nursery School

Flanshaw Junior, Infant & Nursery School

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Educational Visits & Diary Dates

Dates for your diary 


  • 19th February - Young Voices Concert (1pm to 10.30pm return)
  • 22nd February - Coal Mining Museum Edu visit (Zephaniah)
  • 23rd February - Coal Mining Museum Edu visit (Rowling)


Important dates:

PE - Monday (For this Term) [out] and Friday [in]  (Wear PE clothes on these days)


Homework sent home on Friday to be returned Monday including:

  • reading book (though this can be continually read through the week)
  • spellings - writing practise - to be tested the following Friday
  • maths book - 1 page (sections A to C) to be completed a week

Educational Visits...............

Coxley Wood (Zephaniah)

As part of our Geography topic of River features, the children enjoyed a visit to Coxley Woods. This allowed them to get hands on experience and see real life examples of terminology leant in class (like meander, tributary, confluence etc) A big thank-you to Rosie for leading this outdoor experience and sharing lots of knowledge with the children.

Learning about River Flow

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Hands On Experience

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Having Fun

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Measuring Up

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A river walk

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Yorkshire Mining Museum - 2023

Zephaniah and Rowling class visited the mining museum as part of our Victorian topic. We got to experience what life might have been like down the min for children as young as themselves. Hauling coal and opening and closing the doors called traps. Hence the saying "Shut your trap!"

This local resource is (mostly) free and well worth a visit as a family in the holidays. See the official website link below for more details.

Unfortunately for safety reasons we couldn't take electric items down the mine so we have no photos but we will share photos of the day as soon as possible.





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Still image for this video

Coxley Woods Stream Visit June 2022:

Year 5 make a visit to Coxley Woods in Horbury to study the features of rivers in a safe environment. The stream provides us with all the knowledge that we need for our Geography curriculum studies. We used cross curricular skills too: 

Mathematical skills: to estimate and measure the depth of the stream, to measure its speed and width and to calculate averages.

Technology skills to etch depth measures  up to 30cm into our walking sticks. 

PE skills to walk on different terrain; on hillsides and in a stream.

Art skills to sketch the meandering stream through the valley and take photographs of the wooded environment.

Coxley Wood Stream Study
