At Flanshaw we organise residential visits for all children in Key Stage 2. These residentials are heavily subsidised by school to make the visits as inclusive as possible, As a school, we really value residentials, recognising the huge benefits they can have on the development of our pupils. Over the last few years, we have offered a 1 night residential to York for children in Year 3 and 4 and a 2 night residential to Robin Wood for pupils in Year 5 and 6.
Robin Wood Residential - Year 5 and 6
This visit has been thoroughly enjoyed by our older pupils for many years. They participate in a wide range of physically challenging activities to develop their team work, communication and leadership skills. Particular favourites include kayaking on the lake, flying through the air on the 80 metre long zip wire and undertaking challenges in the dungeon and Piranha Pool! All of these activities capture the imagination of the children and create life-long memories for our children.
Year 3/4 Residential to York
In recent years, pupils in the lower juniors have enjoyed residential visits to York. The main aims of this visit are to help the children to develop independence and improve their resilience as many spend a night away from the own families for the first time. The children participate in a range of activities across the York area. Last year they enjoyed visiting the York Minster and a guided tour around the chocolate factory.