Sex and Relationships Education
Relationship and Sex Education (RSE) is lifelong learning about physical, moral and emotional development. It is about the understanding of the importance of loving and caring relationships. Research demonstrates that good, comprehensive Relationship and Sex Education does not make young people more likely to become sexually active at a younger age.
Moral and Values Framework
Relationship and Sex Education involves acquiring information and developing skills in order to foster positive beliefs, values and attitudes. RSE will reflect the values of the PSHE programme and will be taught in the context of relationships. In addition RSE will promote self esteem and emotional health and well being and help children form and maintain worthwhile and satisfying relationships, based on respect for themselves and for others, at home, school, work and in the community.
Process for Policy Development
Staff training was carried out to agree content suitable to our children’s needs. A parents’ evening was held to provide an opportunity to share the resources, learning objectives, content and key vocabulary. This policy was launched to staff and parents January 2024. This policy was ratified by the School Governing Body in January 2024.
Aims and Objectives for Relationship and Sex Education
The aim of Relationship and Sex Education is to provide children with age appropriate information, explore attitudes and values and develop skills in order to empower them to make positive decisions about their health related behaviour.
This should take place with consideration of the qualities of relationships within families.
The objectives of Relationship and Sex Education are;
- To provide the knowledge and information to which all pupils are entitled
- To clarify/reinforce existing knowledge
- To raise pupils’ self esteem and confidence, especially in their relationships with others;
- To help pupils understand their sexual feelings and behaviour, so they can lead fulfilling and enjoyable lives;
- To help pupils’ develop skills (language, decision making, choice, assertiveness) and make the most of their abilities.
- To provide the confidence to be participating members of society and to value themselves and others;
- To help gain access to information and support
- To develop skills for a healthier safer lifestyle
- To develop and use communication and assertiveness skills to cope with the influences of their peers and the media
- To respect and care for their bodies
- To be prepared for puberty and adulthood
The school informs parents when aspects of the Relationship and Sex programme are taught and provides opportunities for parents to view the videos and resources being used. Parents have the right to withdraw their children from Sex Education but not Statutory RSE. However, this rarely happens, by working in partnership with parents they recognise the importance of this aspect of their child’s education. Learners who are withdrawn from Sex Education should receive purposeful education for the period of withdrawal. If a request for withdrawal is received, the Head Teacher should discuss this with the parent to ensure that their wishes are understood and to clarify the curriculum and address any concerns and address any misconceptions. Once these discussions have taken place the school should respect the parents request to excuse their child. Schools should keep records of withdrawal requests and discussions with parents.
Please feel free to read the RSE policy and look at the content and language covered at our School and materials we use when teaching pupils.