Interactive Bar

Flanshaw Junior, Infant & Nursery School

Flanshaw Junior, Infant & Nursery School

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Guinness World Record Attempt

This year as part of Internet Safety Day 2021 there is a Guinness World Record attempt to receive the most pledges in a campaign over 24hrs.

Flanshaw School has pledged to take part and we need your help to take part too.

On February 9th (from 9:30) up to Wednesday 10th (9:30) you can click on the link and make a pledge (Like a statement or resolution for better internet safety.)

Pupils in school will be directed to pledge and parents and pupils at home will be reminded by Purple Mash and text. Let's play our part in breaking this record!


This event has now closed - We will now have to wait and see if our contributions helped break this World Wide event. Thank you for your Pledges!
