End of year letter
Dear Parents, Carers and Friends of Flanshaw,
I would like to take the opportunity to thank you all for your help, support and interest over this academic year. It hasn’t been an easy year for all of us, however you, as partners in the education of your children, have supported us through some challenging times.
Despite the difficulties thrown at us by Covid-19, we continue to celebrate a successful year at Flanshaw JIN School, as we move steadily towards our goal of becoming an outstanding school!
Exciting News!
Over the holidays we are having some exciting projects occurring! Firstly, our EYFS will be receiving a gorgeous new outdoor area. We are also having a spectator’s area put onto the bottom playground to allow audiences to enjoy our sporting competitions. Our nursery will be having new flooring to ensure that it matches the neutral surroundings of the Reception classes. Some of our exterior walls will also be rendered to ensure that we have a smart and structurally sound entrance area.
Staff Changes
We say “Goodbye” to:
Miss Shephard leaves to work at Featherstone JIN School, which is nearer her home.
Miss Dinsdale leaves for a school in Leeds, to develop her professional practice.
Mrs Barker, our Attendance Officer is leaving to enjoy some time with her family.
Mrs Richardson goes on maternity leave to have her baby!
Mrs Dalwadi and Mrs Keany are leaving to take other posts within Wakefield- Good luck ladies!
We say “Welcome” to:
Mrs Curran who will be teaching in Nursery.
Miss Ottewell who will be teaching in Reception.
Mrs Foster who will be teaching in Year 2.
Miss Dickinson who will be teaching in Year 5.
Attendance as a whole school is 96% this year; we desperately need to reach our target of 97%. Please aim to book holidays in holiday time only; failure to do so has a profound effect, both on your child’s attainment and the school as a whole. With this in mind we will challenge absence (both due to holidays and illness) and push for at least 97% attendance for all of our children wherever possible. We need your cooperation to achieve this; please support us to help our school reach this goal. Unless your ‘head is hanging off’, please have a good work ethic and come to school! 😊
Follow Us!
We know that you are proud to send your children to our school. Remember to follow our success on our fantastic school website: https://www.flanshawjin.co.uk. Plus our twitter account: @FlanshawJIN.
The Future
Next academic year we are continuing to aim to improve outcomes for our all of our children. We will be developing our maths curriculum to ensure that more of our children reach age related expectations and beyond. We will also continue to developing reading and writing skills across School. We will be continuing to plan a creative curriculum to ensure that your children experience some fantastic, exciting opportunities across their school year.
Because of the lost learning through Covid-19, your children need your support more than ever next year. We are aiming to improve parental engagement and homework, as these are the areas from the parent questionnaire that you want us to address. At Flanshaw we are always on a journey to improve outcomes for our pupils and their families by working together to make a difference. Our Flanshaw family is strong because we share the same vision, high expectation and love for every member of the community.
To conclude, I would like to thank all parents, carers and friends for the fantastic support they give their youngsters. Your continued support, in hearing them read every day and ensuring homework is done, radically improves their outcomes. It is without doubt the most powerful determiner of success at our school.
Kindest regards
Caroline Butterworth