Home Learning w/c 29/06/20
Please find below some links and guidance for children not currently attending school:
Tasks we are working on in school this week (new):
- Reading the Three Billy Goats Gruff. (if you do not own the story use the weblink below)
- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3QzT1sq6kCY(3 Billy Goat youtube)
- https://worldstories.org.uk/reader/the-three-billy-goats-gruff/english/254#(Virtual book for parents to read)
- https://www.storyberries.com/fairy-tales-the-three-billy-goats-gruff-by-katharine-pyle/(Story with discussion points at the end)
- Discussing the story and writing some sentences to describe it / pictures. (If you have a printer or draw your own)
- https://coloringhome.com/the-three-billy-goats-gruff-coloring-pages(Colouring pics to print and use)
Bonds to 10 (Continuing from last week)
- http://www.snappymaths.com/addition/make10/interactive/make10totc.htm
- http://www.snappymaths.com/addition/make10/interactive/make10imin/make10imin.htm
Weather suggestions
- https://eyfs.info/resources/topic-support/weather-r11/
Other Ideas
- Can you draw a picture of something you have done in lockdown with a sentence to go with it?
- Can you draw a picture of yourself with some sentences that describe you and your likes to give to your new teacher in the upcoming Goodbye/Handover days coming soon? (more info from Mrs Butterworth to follow)
Please continue to follow the other guidance and website ideas in the most recent letter. Practise as much reading, number work and phonics as you can to help develop your child.
Including those in previous tweets or on the school website.
Year 1
If you completed any work last week look out for comments/suggestions in the 2do area or My Work folder. Also check your rewards (Near the 2do but top left). How well did you do?
You may find your work or your friends work by clicking on the share button and choosing Year 1 Home Learning.
This week’s targets are
- Read and write a recount of Oliver’s Vegetable story.
- Name the parts of a plant
- Match part of the plant to their function.
- UK money
- Counting coins in 2p’s, 5p’s and 10p’s.
- Making different amounts of money
- Studying the life of Barbara Hepworth (Finish the task if not started / completed)
- Protecting our beaches.
Please look at your 2do list in Purplemash – Login and click 2do top left corner.
- Read Oliver’s Vegetable story. (Preparation for the writing task)[Parental support needed or there is a Youtube link]
- Recount Oliver’s vegetable story
- Comprehension Oliver’s vegetable story
- Spellings based on the story.
- 2 art challenges based on the book
- Counting coins in 2p’s, 5p’s and 10p’s.
- Pay for toys (with draggable coins)
- Number bonds practise.
- Parts of a plant quiz.
- Write about the life of Barbara Hepworth (Start / complete)
- On the beach I found (a-z)
- Art challenge
To supplement this work the following website links may be useful
- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UcxnE4Xh0-g(Olivers vegetables read aloud)
- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dFzAU3u06Ps(Money song)
- https://whiterosemaths.com/homelearning/year-1/ (Summer Term week 7 extra video support - 2 5 10 focus)
- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Sno7zzXPltY(Hepworth Gallery Barbara facts)
- https://hepworthwakefield.org/artist/barbara-hepworth/(Help your child find some facts about Barbara Hepworth)
- http://www.artnet.com/artists/barbara-hepworth/(art images)
- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1mgWtllY9eY(Lily’s beach clean up video)
Year 2
This is your first week of PPMash work linked to the school bubble work. Check your 2do box for work. You can do bits of work and keep going back to it, if you use the save button but remember to use the handin button when it is finished ready to be marked. You can then check your comments in the 2do folder / try again or see if you have any awards. (Check your trophy button.) Some work may be shared on the Year 2 Home learning board (click shared) I wonder if some of it will be yours?
This week’s targets are
- Write a poem about Minibeasts
- Add and subtract numbers to 100
- Minibeasts and Habitats
- Geography maps
- Study the artist Matisse
Please look at your 2do list in Purplemash – Login and click 2do top left corner.
- Acrostic and Alliteration Poems (Templates and guides to be read first to help)
- Poetry comprehension
- Addition (with and without carrying) – [Printouts available too]
- Subtraction worded problems.
- Minibeast activities / Quiz
- Minibeast report
- Matisse art – copy
- Matisse art (in the style of)
- Maps - Can you draw a map of your route to school? (Download: unavailable to mark)
To supplement this work the following website links may be useful
- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LSp_meUwug4(What are minibeasts?)
- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JuHg5oWF_mo(Minibeasts – crazy critters)
- https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/topics/z6882hv/articles/z9fkwmn(BBC Bitesize)
- https://www.theschoolrun.com/homework-help/minibeasts(Parental support facts)
- https://www.woodlandtrust.org.uk/blog/2019/05/minibeast-facts/(Woodland trust facts)
- https://www.kidspuzzlesandgames.co.uk/themes/minibeasts(Minibeast facts and downloads wordsearch colouring etc)
- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hy4DUpsC22c)Matisse art work and collage art task)
- https://www.tate.org.uk/kids/explore/who-is/who-henri-matisse(Tate for kids)
Year 3/4
This is your first week of PPMash work linked to the school bubble work. Check your 2do box for work. You can do bits of work and keep going back to it, if you use the save button but remember to use the handin button when it is finished ready to be marked. You can then check your comments in the 2do folder / try again or see if you have any awards. (Check your trophy button.) Some work may be shared on the Year 3 4 Home learning board (click shared) I wonder if some of it will be yours?
This week’s targets are
- English based on the text Beth of the Nile (inc comprehension)
- Spellings based on year 3 or 4 curriculum
- Maths – Place value work – Partitioning, ordering, 1, 10, 100 more or less.
- Science Classifying animals and minibeasts - Habitats
- Topic – Ancient Egypt –Where is Egypt? – Why is the Nile so important?
- Topic – Which Gods did the Egyptians believe in?
Please look at your 2do list in Purplemash – Login and click 2do top left corner.
- Access Beth of the Nile story and work files (released over 3 separate days)
- Extended writing task (2 versions – One more supported – Only complete once)
- Access Yr 3 or 4 Spell tasks (With downloadable Look Cover Write Check)
- Complete Beth of the Nile writing task (Afterlife, Conversation and Opening the lid….)
- Comprehensions (released Thursday)
- Partitioning tasks
- Ordering quiz -Printout worksheets (extra)
- Adjust the place value by 1, 10, 100 more or less
- Finish the number sequence
- Where do minibeasts live – How are they suited to that Habitat report (print out extra)
- Art – Mindful minibeast colouring
- Topic – Write a report on the uses of the River Nile and why it was so important to the Egyptians. Complete a God fact file.
To supplement this work the following website links may be useful
- https://primarygames.co.uk/pg3/orderegg/ordereggsKS1.html(ordering easy - needs flash)
- https://www.primarygames.co.uk/pg3/orderegg/ordereggsKS2.html(ordering harder)
River Nile Fact report
- https://www.natgeokids.com/uk/discover/geography/physical-geography/nile-river-facts/
- http://www.primaryhomeworkhelp.co.uk/egypt/nile.htm
- https://www.historyforkids.net/river-nile.html
Egyptian Gods Fact File support
- http://www.primaryhomeworkhelp.co.uk/egypt/gods.htm
- https://www.historyforkids.net/egyptian-gods.html
- https://www.natgeokids.com/uk/discover/history/egypt/ancient-egypt-gods/
- https://www.dkfindout.com/uk/history/ancient-egypt/ancient-egyptian-gods-and-goddesses/
Year 5
This is your first week of PPMash work linked to the school bubble work. Check your 2do box for work. You can do bits of work and keep going back to it, if you use the save button but remember to use the handin button when it is finished ready to be marked. You can then check your comments in the 2do folder / try again or see if you have any awards. (Check your trophy button.) Some work may be shared on the Year 5 Home learning board (click shared) I wonder if some of it will be yours?
This week’s targets are
- English based on the text: Busters Blitz.
- Spelling – Continue Yr5 scheme
- Maths – Statistics, Graphs and Times tables
- Science – Properties of changing materials
- Geography – Passport to the World – Country fact files.
Please look at your 2do list in Purplemash – Login and click 2do top left corner.
- Access to Busters Blitz text ch1 & 2 and comprehension tasks
- Buster Blitz Writing task – Advice for Pets / Seeing with words
- Grammar activities – Flying high
- Maths – Graphing tasks, Times table tests and Analysing graph work
- Solution or suspension Investigation
- Continent Poster or Fact Sheet
To supplement this work the following website links may be useful
- https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/magazine-24478532(Blitz Pet Cull News)
- http://primaryhomeworkhelp.co.uk/countries.html
- https://www.kids-world-travel-guide.com/
- https://kids.kiddle.co/Country(search engine to aid Country facts)
- https://www.bbc.co.uk/iplayer/episodes/p07dzjwl/seven-worlds-one-planet(BBC – 7 Continents series)
- https://www.youtube.com/watch?time_continue=92&v=TU7tW_kDfyc&feature=emb_logo(Simple science)
- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AOqH5ktwoDE(mixtures and solutions)
- https://sciencebob.com/blobs-in-a-bottle-2/(Make a lava lamp)
Query: What does the seltzer tablet do – mix / dissolve / react?
Year 6
If you completed any work last week look out for comments/suggestions in the 2do area or My Work folder. Also check your rewards (Near the 2do but top left). How well did you do?
This week’s ongoing targets are
- Write a creepy story based on the video link.
- Mathematics involving ratio
- Multiplying numbers inc decimals
- Continue to write a leaflet about a country of your choosing.
- Research and design a poster about Continents
Please look at your 2do list in Purplemash – Login and click 2do top left corner.
- Writing guidance with Writing frame and insertable images
- Ratio questions / Quiz
- Times table 12x12 challenge (like TTR)
- Multiplying numbers with decimals (printable worksheets and online task)
- Postcards / Leaflet writing guides
- ContinentPoster or Fact Sheet
To supplement this work the following website links may be useful (previous web links can be found on the school website)
- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=irbFBgI0jhM(Alma – story)
- https://www.bbc.co.uk/iplayer/episode/m000b9f8/seven-worlds-one-planet-series-1-3-south-america(Helpful documentary - South America)
- https://www.kids-world-travel-guide.com/south-america-facts.htmll(South America Facts)
- https://kids.kiddle.co/South_America(South America Facts 4 Kids)
- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nn729BDCx4I(Vid: multiplying decimals)
- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3H9DYeR5Wmg(Vid: multiplying two decimal numbers)