Home Learning W/C 6/7/2020
Tasks we are working on in school this week:
- Reading Little Red Riding Hood. (if you do not own the story use the weblink below)
- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0W86K1jBJFI (LRRH youtube)
- https://www.storyberries.com/fairy-tales-little-red-riding-hood/ (Story with discussion points at the end)
- Discussing the story and writing some sentences to describe it / pictures. (If you have a printer or draw your own)
- https://coloringhome.com/little-red-riding-hood-coloring-pages (Colouring pics to print and use)
Maths – counting to 20 and counting in 10s to 100.
- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ftati8iGQcs
- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-gmEe0-_ex8
Identify the names of shapes – What shapes can you find around the house?
- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=beTDz9HSNOM
- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AnoNb2OMQ6s
Other Ideas
- Can you draw a picture of something you have done in lockdown with a sentence to go with it?
- Can you draw a picture of yourself with some sentences that describe you and your likes to give to your new teacher in the upcoming Goodbye/Handover days coming soon? (more info from Mrs Butterworth to follow)
Please continue to follow the other guidance and website ideas in the most recent letter. Practise as much reading, number work and phonics as you can to help develop your child.
Including those in previous tweets or on the school website.
Year 1
If you completed any work last week look out for comments/suggestions in the 2do area or My Work folder. Also check your rewards (Near the 2do but top left). How well did you do?
You may find your work or your friends work by clicking on the share button and choosing Year 1 Home Learning.
This week’s targets are
- Learn and write some poems on minibeasts.
- What do Minibeasts eat?
- Shape – 2D and 3D
- Studying the life of Barbara Hepworth (Finish the task if not started / completed)
Please look at your 2do list in Purplemash – Login and click 2do top left corner.
- Learn the bug party poem.
- Create a bug acrostic.
- Comprehension on the bug party poem
- Find the rhyming words (task)
- Complete the rhyming poems. (Find the rhyme)
- 2D 3D quizzes
- Colour the shape pictures.
- Number bonds practise.
- Minibeast sort task (by what they eat)
- Report on Omnivore, carnivores and herbivores.
- Art challenge
To supplement this work the following website links may be useful
- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qwhdXU3KXg8 (Acrostic explanation video)
- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3yrikH2QEFA (omnivore herbivore carnivore song)
- https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/clips/zwfd2p3 (BBC Types of eaters)
Year 2
If you completed any work last week look out for comments/suggestions in the 2do area or My Work folder. Also check your rewards (Near the 2do but top left). How well did you do?
You may find your work or your friends work by clicking on the share button and choosing Year 2 Home Learning.
This week’s targets are
- Write instructions – Care for a Bog Baby
- Multiplication practice
- Minibeasts and Habitats
- Study the artist Matisse
Please look at your 2do list in Purplemash – Login and click 2do top left corner.
- Read the Bog Baby (You tube clip available too)
- Write care instructions for a Bog Baby
- Bog Baby comprehension
- Multiplication practice, games and arrays
- Habitat sort activity 1 and 2
- Matisse art – copy his famous goldfish painting
- Matisse art - write a report on the artist (use the videos / weblinks to research him)
To supplement this work the following website links may be useful
- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YvJ3iYD-ZbM(tHE Bog Baby Youtube – read aloud)
- https://thecraftyclassroom.com/crafts/famous-artist-crafts-for-kids/matisse-art-project-for-kids/ (Matisse craft ideas for kids)
- https://www.youtube.com/watch?time_continue=136&v=s37OoBXkYAc&feature=emb_logo (Matisse – info for kids 1)
- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T7OmJ_tTLTQ (Matisse info 2 – use the youtube video but do not go to website (advertised at the end as you need to pay a subscription)
- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hy4DUpsC22c )Matisse art work and collage art task)
- https://www.tate.org.uk/kids/explore/who-is/who-henri-matisse (Tate for kids)
Year 3/4
If you completed any work last week look out for comments/suggestions in the 2do area or My Work folder. Also check your rewards (Near the 2do but top left). How well did you do?
You may find your work or your friends work by clicking on the share button and choosing Year 3/4 Home Learning.
This week’s targets are
- English based on the text Beth of the Nile (inc comprehension) Parts4 and 5
- Spellings based on year 3 or 4 curriculum
- Maths –addition & subtraction
- Science Classifying animals and minibeasts - Habitats
- Topic – Ancient Egypt –Hieroglyphics
Please look at your 2do list in Purplemash – Login and click 2do top left corner.
- Access Beth of the Nile story and work files (released over 2 separate days)
- Access Yr 3 or 4 Spell tasks (With downloadable Look Cover Write Check)
- Complete Beth of the Nile writing task(Announce the King is dead / Secret message)
- Comprehensions (released Wednesday)
- Column addition, subtraction word probs, calculation generator.
- Minibeast fact file, classify sort, Guess who (print out)
- Art – Mindful minibeast 2 colouring
- Topic – Create a cartouche with your name in hieroglyphics.
To supplement this work the following website links may be useful
- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LSp_meUwug4&t=18s (Types of minibeasts)
- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O4YMNHvMkyE (Minibeast classification)
- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xuv7JRAmc7M(hieroglyphics youtube)
- https://art-educ4kids.weebly.com/egyptian-art.html (Cartouche & hieroglyphics)
- https://www.natgeokids.com/uk/discover/animals/insects/15-facts-about-bugs/ (minibeast interesting facts)
- https://www.kiddle.co/c.php?q=minibeasts#gsc.tab=0&gsc.q=minibeasts&gsc.page=1 (Kiddle search engine facts for minibeasts)
- https://www.factsjustforkids.com/insect-facts.html (Insect facts)
- https://www.dkfindout.com/uk/animals-and-nature/ (DK facts and quizzes)
Year 5
If you completed any work last week look out for comments/suggestions in the 2do area or My Work folder. Also check your rewards (Near the 2do but top left). How well did you do?
You may find your work or your friends work by clicking on the share button and choosing Year 5 Home Learning.
This week’s targets are
- English based on the text: Busters Blitz. Parts 3 4 and 5
- Spelling – Continue Yr5 scheme
- Maths – Statistics, Graphs and Times tables
- Science – Properties of changing materials
- Geography – Passport to the World – Country fact files.
Please look at your 2do list in Purplemash – Login and click 2do top left corner.
- Access to Busters Blitz text ch3, 4 & 5 and comprehension tasks
- Buster Blitz Writing task – Newspaper article.
- Grammar activities – Flying high
- Maths – Reading graphs – answering questions.
- Reversible changes / Irreversible changes
- ContinentPoster or Fact Sheet (continue from last week / finish)
- Travel operator – Can you suggest an itinerary of locations, activities and areas of importance for a travel customer?
To supplement this work the following website links may be useful
- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=clKxrDza1d8 (Pathe Blitz news)
- http://www.bbc.co.uk/history/british/britain_wwtwo/blitz_01.shtml (The Blitz - BBC)
- http://primaryhomeworkhelp.co.uk/countries.html
- https://www.kids-world-travel-guide.com/
- https://kids.kiddle.co/Country (search engine to aid Country facts)
- https://www.bbc.co.uk/iplayer/episodes/p07dzjwl/seven-worlds-one-planet (BBC – 7 Continents series)
- https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/articles/zndmhg8 (Reversible / Irreversible changes)
- https://www.bbcgoodfood.com/recipes/collection/kids-baking (irreversible changes - cooking cakes and buns – scientific and yummy!)
Year 6
- Check previous posts. /including work on Travel guides and report writing. Ratio, area and perimeter.
Virtual Sports Day (against all schools) Reminder:
On Tuesday 7th July at 10am, we will be holding a virtual sports day, and even those at home can join in and help Flanshaw earn points towards the National Score board. Look in Purplemash 2dos for guidance on the activities and resources to prepare for the day. A score sheet you can fill in and return on the day will be handed out as a 2do on the day. For your scores to count – it must be returned on the same day.
Look out for a link to a video which will include some dance entertainment, warm ups and visual demos of the tasks.
We hope you can join us by taking part – Go Team Flanshaw!