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Flanshaw Junior, Infant & Nursery School

Flanshaw Junior, Infant & Nursery School

Get in Touch

School Closure - National Lockdown

Further to the prime minister's announcement at 8pm last night, school is now closed to most pupils until after February half-term. 

If your child is in a vulnerable group or you are a critical key worker, we will still have in school learning available. If your child is allocated a place, we expect them to attend every day (unless you need to isolate or they are ill for other reasons).

School will be updating online learning on a weekly basis for all pupils at home. This can be accessed via your child's Purple Mash account (for year's 1-6).

We will also be producing home learning packs, which you'll be able to collect from school at the following times:

EYFS - Weds 6/1/21 10am

Y1/2 - Thurs 7/1/21 10am
