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Flanshaw Junior, Infant & Nursery School

Flanshaw Junior, Infant & Nursery School

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Keep up to date with all the latest news happening in school at the moment.

  • School to Remain Closed until 8/3/2021

    Fri 29 Jan 2021


    The Prime Minister has announced that it will not be possible to resume face-to-face learning immediately after the February half-term and instead hopes it will be safe to commence the re-opening of schools and colleges from Monday 8 March.

    This is in response to the national public health data and pressure on NHS capacity. If the Government achieves its target of vaccinating everyone in the four most vulnerable groups with their first dose by 15 February then those groups will have developed immunity from the virus around three weeks later, that is by 8 March. It is for this reason that we hope it will therefore be safe to commence the reopening of schools from Monday 8 March.

    Education settings, as well as students, parents and carers will be given at least two weeks notice to prepare for a return to face-to-face education.

  • February Half-Term

    Wed 27 Jan 2021

    Schools will close as usual over February half-term and are not expected to remain open to vulnerable children and the children of critical workers during that week.

    Flanshaw School closes Friday 12th February and reopens on Monday 22nd February 2021.


    Schools will not be providing vouchers during the February half-term. There is wider government support in place to support families and children outside of term-time through the Covid Winter Grant Scheme. The £170 million scheme is being run by local authorities in England, with at least 80% of the funding earmarked to support with food and essential utility costs and will cover the period to the end of March 2021. It will allow local authorities to directly help the hardest-hit families and individuals over the winter period. Local authorities have local ties and knowledge, making them best placed to identify and help those children and families most in need.

  • Free School Meal Voucher Scheme

    Thu 21 Jan 2021

    The government have now reopened the portal for schools to be able to provide vouchers for free school meals rather than the current offer of food parcels. We have therefore placed an order for vouchers for all pupils currently entitled to free school meals (benefits not age related) and who are not attending school in our reduced provision. 

    Vouchers codes will be sent electronically to your current email address between 23-27/1/21 to cover the 3 weeks to half term. Further vouchers will be issued after the holidays to cover the 2 weeks to 8/3/21 - please email school at: quoting your child's name or phone 01924 290360 if you have any queries.


    For ideas on healthy lunches for your children click here to view NHS Change4life recipes

  • School Closure - National Lockdown

    Tue 05 Jan 2021

    Further to the prime minister's announcement at 8pm last night, school is now closed to most pupils until after February half-term. 

    If your child is in a vulnerable group or you are a critical key worker, we will still have in school learning available. If your child is allocated a place, we expect them to attend every day (unless you need to isolate or they are ill for other reasons).

    School will be updating online learning on a weekly basis for all pupils at home. This can be accessed via your child's Purple Mash account (for year's 1-6).

    We will also be producing home learning packs, which you'll be able to collect from school at the following times:

    EYFS - Weds 6/1/21 10am

    Y1/2 - Thurs 7/1/21 10am

  • School Reopens - Monday 04/01/2021

    Mon 04 Jan 2021

    School reopens to all pupils and staff on Monday 04/01/2021.

    The government continues to prioritise the wellbeing and long-term futures of our children and young people and will NOT be closing early years’ settings or schools. It remains very important for children and young people to attend, to support their wellbeing and education and help working parents and guardians. Senior clinicians still advise that school is the best place for children to be, and so they should continue to go to school. Schools have implemented a range of protective measures to make them safe. Click here to see the DFE guidance for schools.

    Flanshaw School will therefore remain open, unless this guidance changes, and we expect pupils to attend every day to continue with their education.

    We continue to follow Health & Safety and COVID prevention guidelines in school to ensure the safety of pupils and staff.

    Please click here to see the school's updated risk assessment.

    It is, however, very important that if your child or anyone in your household has any of the following symptoms, you do not come to school:

    * A high temperature;

    * A continuous cough;

    * Any loss of taste or sense of smell.

    If you are at all unsure, please seek further advice from the NHS either by using their online symptom checker or by phoning 111. The person with symptoms will also need to arrange a coronavirus test via these channels (phone 119 to  


    arrange a test) and anyone from the same household will need to follow NHS self-isolating guidelines for 10 days if the person tests positive.

    Please continue to follow social distancing guidelines when entering the school site and do not enter school to prevent external transmission risks amongst our staff and pupils. Please phone school with any queries in the first instance or to make an appointment.Please ensure that if you do have an appointment in school that a protective mask is worn at all times.


    Please ensure that you do not arrive earlier than the times for your child's class and also make sure that only 1 person is sent to collect each child to reduce the number of contacts in the playground.

    If you have more than 1 child, please arrive at the later time to collect both children together in order to avoid the length of time you need to wait in the playground - teachers will wait with the child finishing earliest until you collect them. Click here to see staggered drop-off/pick up arrangements.
