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Flanshaw Junior, Infant & Nursery School

Flanshaw Junior, Infant & Nursery School

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Keep up to date with all the latest news happening in school at the moment.

  • Uniform Orders - Trutex

    Sun 15 Nov 2020


    An Update from Trutex Uniform shop in Wakefield:

    The school wear store and would like to update you on the government's latest decision on the imminent lockdown due to take place on the 4th of November 2020 for 4 weeks.

    We will be operating a click and collect service for parents to order through our email address. Orders can be emailed to the store email address: or can be requested through the Facebook channel on a private message to the store. We will require parents to pay for the goods over the telephone and the store will contact the customer for payment and to arrange a time for pick up.Tel:01924 299820. 


    There will be someone in store from Monday to Saturday strictly between the hours of 12pm and 2pm to take and process orders, and to enable collections to be made (there will also be someone available Thursday 5th November to Saturday 7th November 12pm – 2pm).

    All collections and deliveries will be carried out adhering to government guidelines and practices.

  • Updated pick up/ drop off arrangements

    Mon 09 Nov 2020


    Following a review of our social distancing measures in line with the national lockdown, we have changed some of our pick up/ drop off arrangements - see below for the year groups affected:

    • Tweed class - please arrive at 8:45am and children will now enter via the Year 2 gate on a morning - not the classroom door. Please don't arrive earlier than 3.10pm for pick up, as this causes a bottle neck and affects adequate social distancing for other year groups with earlier pick up times.
    • Wye class - please collect at 3:05pm from the bottom playground (sport's pitch) accessed via the path at the side of nursery.
    • Ouse class - please collect at 3:10pm from the bottom playground (sport's pitch).

    Please ensure that you do not arrive earlier than the times for your child's class and also make sure that only 1 person is sent to collect each child to reduce the number of contacts in the playground.

    If you have more than 1 child, please arrive at the later time to collect both children together in order to avoid the length of time you need to wait in the playground - teachers will wait with the child finishing earliest until you collect them. Click here to see staggered drop-off/pick up arrangements.

    Former pupils are not permitted on site for social visits - please encourage older children not to bob into the playground to say hello on their way home from High School - as much as we love to see them, unnecessary visits to school are not permitted during the national lockdown or until social distancing has ended.

    Please follow COVD etiquette when approaching members of staff by wearing a face mask.

    Please phone school in the first instance with any queries you may have - we will deal with any messages and return calls promptly. 

    Please see our earlier post regarding the National Lockdown for a link to the government's guidance and our updated risk assessment.

  • School Remains Open During Lockdown

    Mon 09 Nov 2020


    On Saturday 31 October the Prime Minister announced New National Restrictions, which come into force on Thursday 5 November until Wednesday 2 December, to control the spread of coronavirus (COVID-19).


    The government continues to prioritise the wellbeing and long-term futures of our children and young people and will NOT be closing early years settings, schools, further education (FE) colleges or universities. It remains very important for children and young people to attend, to support their wellbeing and education and help working parents and guardians. Senior clinicians still advise that school is the best place for children to be, and so they should continue to go to school. Schools have implemented a range of protective measures to make them safe.

    Childcare or education is one of the exceptions that children, young people and parents and carers can leave their home for.

    Flanshaw School will therefore remain open throughout the national lockdown and we expect pupils to attend every day to continue with their education.

    We continue to follow COVID prevention guidelines in school to ensure the safety of pupils and staff. Please click here to see the school's updated risk assessment.

    It is, however, very important that if your child or anyone in your household has any of the following symptoms, you do not come to school:

    * A high temperature;

    * A continuous cough;

    * Any loss of taste or sense of smell.

    If you are at all unsure, please seek further advice from the NHS either by using their online symptom checker or by phoning 111. The person with symptoms will also need to arrange a coronavirus test via these channels (phone 119 to arrange a test) and anyone from the same household will need to follow NHS self-isolating guidelines for 14 days or until a negative result is received.

    Please continue to follow social distancing guidelines when entering the school site and do not enter school to prevent external transmission risks amongst our staff and pupils. Please phone school with any queries in the first instance or to make an appointment. Please ensure that if you do have an appointment in school that a protective mask is worn at all times.
