Early Reading and Phonics
At Flanshaw School we have invested in Read Write Inc, which is a complete structured phonics programme that is designed to ensure all children read accurately and fluently. It weaves word reading, comprehension, writing and spelling together seamlessly. Phonics teaching is consistent and progressive through school from Early Years Foundation Stage into Key Stage One and some small groups in KS2. The scheme includes both a reading, writing and phonics focus for our younger children. The sessions take place daily in EYFS and Year One as the continuity and pace of the programme is essential to increase the speed of children's reading development. To ensure a seamless approach our books link to children’s phonics ability and are used as part of the daily sessions and our bookbag books that go home. Parents are introduced to Read Write Inc in EYFS as children start school to ensure understanding of phonics and expectations at home to enable all children read accurately and fluently.
A strategic system of monitoring, evaluation and coaching staff takes place by our Reading Leaders which is carried out effectively through half-termly development days. These development days consist of lesson observations, coaching, training, reviews, data analysis and 1:1 support to ensure the consistency and impact of Phonics teaching through school. To ensure the importance of reading through school our ‘Head of English’ from our Junior Leadership team overseas our reading ambassadors. These pupils complete 1:1 reading with our younger children and organise a range of events to promote across school
Developing a strong reading culture
Approximately 10 pupils across KS2 are Reading Ambassadors. These pupils have completed an application form and taken part in a formal interview. They are responsible for sharing pupil views regarding reading, supporting readers in Foundation Stage and KS1 through a structured Buddying System, keeping whole School reading areas tidy and supporting the Literacy Subject Leader in planning three reading events (Plus World Book day) across the academic year.
Children have the opportunity to visit the School library once a week during dinner times and at three home times a week. Our School Librarians aims to foster a positive reading culture through exciting displays and termly prizes and challenges. There is a wide range of books available including dual nationality, annuals, comics, fiction/non-fiction and our pupils’ printed works. Parents are encouraged to share these books with their child at home in order to supplement and extend their reading diet. Pupils are encouraged to suggest new books to purchase, and review previously read books on the Junior Librarian system. The School Librarians are supported by Pupil Librarians. These pupils have completed an application form and taken part in a formal interview. They are eager to assist in the library at lunchtime and after school.
Children within KS2 visit the local community library every half term. Each classroom has a wide range of fiction, non-fiction (linked to class topics) and poetry for the children to choose from in addition to the school’s central library stock.
Flanshaw Junior, Infant and Nursery School are proud of its links with the local community. We are very lucky to have a supportive network of adults who visit our School on a weekly basis to hear individual children read and thus develop their ability, confidence and enjoyment of reading. We give these volunteers the title 'Reading Friends.'
We ensure that all children are given equal opportunities to read:
- A minimum of one individual practice a week, with a member of staff and additional opportunities with adult helpers
- Weekly guided reading in a group with a member of staff
- Shared and guided reading in English lessons
- Story time and class reads linked to English or class author
- Regular opportunities for the children to access books in the classroom (reading corner, displays)
- Reading as an integral part of all subject areas and daily routines
- Time to read their own and other children’s writing
- A library scheme where children can select books to take home to read independently either from the School or local community library (the Wakefield One).
- After School opportunities (Kindle club)
Reading Progression at Flanshaw
At the start of Upper Foundation, the pupils are given RWI ‘sound blending books’ to take home to improve their segmenting and blending skills. This book is supplemented by a traditional story for parents to read with their child. As they progress they will be given a graded book; this is the same book that they have read over the course of the week week so the children are familiar with it and can practise their sounds, red and green words and improve their fluency and comprehension.
The children will continue to develop their phonics skills on the RWI programme in year 1, in readiness for the phonics screening checks in the summer. The RWI home reading books get progressively more challenging as the children move through the programme. Following the screening check, the pupils that consistently demonstrate that they have reached an age-expected reading level and have successfully passed the screening check will be allocated a coloured reading book from the main stock. The children that have not reached a secure year 1 level will continue to read the RWI books as they move into Year 2.
Progression of Individual Readers into Year 2 and KS2
We continue to prioritise the quality of our reading texts, ensuring that we regularly invest in new, high-quality books to engage the pupils. We have made the decision to provide books from a range of different schemes so that the pupils have access to varied reading diet. Senior leaders have created a whole school colour coded system so that each book is carefully matched to the pupil's current reading level.
Below is the reading policy for Flanshaw school: