Attendance - Cause for Concern
Attendance - Cause for Concern
Government guidelines view attendance below 90% as Persistent absence, which must, by law, be reported to the Local Authority's Education Welfare Officer. Persistent absence includes absences due to holidays and illness as well as unauthorised absence.
The Education Act 2004 states that it is the responsibility of the parent/carer to ensure their child attends school regularly and on time. If your child does not, you may be issued with a Fixed Penalty Notice or a prosecution
in the Magistrates Court.
At Flanshaw we want to avoid this and have a dedicated Attendance officer, Mrs Bettison, who would prefer to work with you and support you in bringing your child to school regularly. Mrs Bettison works closely with Mrs Redfearn, Parent Support Advisor, with the school office team and the Head Teacher so we can all be aware of any issues you may be facing in getting your child to school.
We are always willing to listen to parents who are experiencing difficulties with attendance and will be happy to work with you to improve your child's attendance.
If you are worried about your child's health, there is lots of useful information on the West Yorkshire Healthier Together website, which can be accessed via the following link: