Interactive Bar

Flanshaw Junior, Infant & Nursery School

Flanshaw Junior, Infant & Nursery School

Get in Touch

Breakfast Club




Breakfast Club is available to all children in Reception class to Year 6.  Breakfast Club is not available for children in Nursery.


Breakfast Club is open from 7:45am to 8:45am and costs £3.75 per day term time only (not INSET days).  Payment is to be made via ParentHub.


Please complete the new starter form by scanning the QR code below or the link.


Our behaviour policy applies to all before and after school clubs.  The Headteacher reserves the right to withdraw the place if pupils do not follow our behaviour rules.  Parents will be contacted to discuss this in the first instance.


Places must be pre-booked via Evolve Clubs.  Once you have registered, you will be sent a link.  Payment is also made via Evolve.  Failure to pay will result in your place being withdrawn.
